Reviews and Seller Feedback

Reviews and Seller Feedback

Many of you have asked why reviews are so important. In a nutshell, because they help let others know how awesome Willow + Mae necklaces are! When you’re shopping for new products, especially on a big site like Amazon, one of the best ways to tell if what you’re getting is as great as it looks is to check out the reviews. Does it only have 1 review from 3 years ago? Does it have tons of reviews that say the product didn’t work as anticipated or that it doesn’t last? Does everyone seem to love it?

Did you know that even if you don’t purchase a product on Amazon’s website, you can still leave a review? If you’ve won a giveaway or purchased a necklace directly from Willow + Mae, you can still give us a thumbs up on Amazon! The more reviews we have, the higher Amazon will tend to place us in their searches which in turn helps us be found by more people.

Unfortunately, only probably 1% of buyers ever leave a review. It doesn’t have to be profound or eloquent, doesn’t have to include pictures, and doesn’t have to be 1000 words. Just a simple “I love this necklace and my baby does too!” is perfect!

So what is seller feedback? This is where you get the chance to comment on shipping times and customer service. Again, it helps show that we’re a reliable company who will work with you when you have a problem, no matter who is at fault. We’re always more than happy to help satisfy our customers so don’t hesitate to ask!

A side note: Amazon does not notify sellers when reviews or seller feedback are left. I try to check these almost daily, but sometimes things can slip through the cracks! If you ever have a question or concern, please email me directly at so we can work it out.


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